Wednesday, September 21, 2011

An Inspiration

Today I lost an incredible brother and best friend. His fight with cancer was a cruel and vicious one. It brings peace to know he is out of pain and in a beautiful place. Never have I known a more loving and positive person-- never a bitter word escaped him throughout his trial. He was like the sun whose rays touched and warmed everyone, whether they wanted it or not.
This is his blog:
You, too, will be inspired.
I love you Kevin...I will miss you so much.


  1. Christy,
    So sorry to hear. I am so glad you took the opportunity to go see him this summer and spend time with him having fun (at the concert). Love and hugs to you and your family. Miss you guys. If you think about it will you please email your address.
    Love you,
    Laurie Herget

  2. I’m so glad I found your blog. I’ve missed you Christy! I feel such a huge void knowing that Kevin is gone and can’t even imagine the tremendous loss that you are feeling right now. We had a lesson last week in RS on the spirit world and what that knowledge means to us as Latter-day Saints. As I sat there and pondered that question, I realized that of all the things we know in the gospel. . . that is what brings me the most peace and happiness in my life. Knowing that this world isn’t the end. That families are eternal. Knowing that our Savior made this all possible. I am so grateful for that testimony. I have to agree that I haven’t known a more loving and positive person. He accomplished so much in his short life. I hope to remember his family motto “Make today count” everyday as I wake up and do my best to make the most of each day. My prayers, love and thoughts are with you. I love you!

  3. I found this beautiful tribute on a friend’s blog today. We both served in the same mission together. Thought you might enjoy reading it.

  4. Christy,

    I am so sorry to hear this news. Such a sad and difficult time for you and your family especially being so far away. I did take a moment to look at your brothers blog and even though I didn't get to meet him I feel like I got a glimpse of what a wonderful man he was. Please know that we are thinking of you and your family at this difficult time. We love you.


  5. Christy,

    So sorry to hear of the passing of your brother. I was in Cleveland over the weekend and was just talking to PJ about him. What an amazing man! We are thinking of you and your family. Thank you for sharing his blog and the beautiful pictures.


  6. Christina Natalie!

    I'm soooo happy to have found your blog. I've been dying to hear from you, about you and all of the above. However, when I happened on your blog, I was heartbroken to hear about your brother's passing. I found myself reflecting on your summer mini-trip to CA and was so glad that was a priority for you guys. Were you able to make it to the funeral and to see the sons still here?

    Love to you! xoxoxjody
