Friday, September 9, 2011

Chasing the Years...

It's September 9th--a very special day in our family! Fourteen years ago Bruce and I were living in a 600 square foot apartment in Houston, Texas finishing up a business degree and a PT degree, studying and eating breakfast together when my water broke and our lives were changed forever! You may have taken 16 hours to arrive, and required an emergency c-section, but you were still a dream come true...the beginning of our family! Happy Birthday Tal--we love you so much and are so blessed and privileged that you are a part of our family.

This is what your brothers and sisters said about you:
Olivia: "I miss the fun when Tal is around. We laugh more when he is with us."
Ashton: "I miss his pancakes--Tal makes the best pancakes!"
Boston: "I miss how he always helped me when I got hurt."
Ava Rose: "Nannaa bababa mamama meow tau dadada hi."

Thanks for just being you--we love everything that you are and that you share with us. 
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!!!


  1. 16 years old - wow!!! Happy Birthday Tal! Must be hard being so far away on days like today.

    On a side note - I had a dream last night and your were in it. You had called me and left a message to call you - I returned your call but it was during the middle of the night there and I had clearly woken you up. You were trying to tell me something but the phone kept cutting out and I couldn't hear what you were saying - I think it was bad news! So much for crazy dreams!!!!

  2. Oh, and I can't believe how much Tal and Boston look alike:)

  3. Just caught up on your posts. Looks like you are having a great time. I saw Rose Ann last night at Back to School NIght. Hannah tells me she sees Max a lot and talks to him even though they aren't in the same class this year. I think she was bummed that he wasn't in her class. Take Care. P.S. we went to Oktoberfest at Snowbird last week. I don't know if you guys ever went when you were in Utah, but it is a lot of fun and family friendly. We have gone every year (when living in Utah) since I was in high school. Grandma & Grandpa G. used to go with us. Mary and Bruce should take the kids up there if they get the chance. Have fun at your own Oktoberfest. What is your email address. I have pics from the cabin to send you.

  4. oh gosh, i just looked at that first pic again and realized it was Tal when he was little. boston looks just like him!! happy birthday to tal. this is getting you ready for his mission in 5 years. just saying. :)
