Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New Year's Eve in Midway

The last three years we have been staying up in Midway over New Year's. This year was especially cold, but beautiful on New Year's Day. (Check out that crispy blue sky!) It's become a really fun tradition which always includes breakfast at "Chicks Diner" on New Year's morning, and "hot tubbing/snow diving" on New Year's Eve. This latter activity entails sitting in the hot tub and then running out in the snow and diving in head first, or making a snow angel or running about 50 yards across the meadow and back all in one's swimming suit! It's so much fun and all of the kids did it this year except Boss. Bruce had taken Tal, Max and Olivia skiing in 2 degree weather before we went up there, so they were especially grateful for the hot tub. After everyone had done their snow run, they were just hanging out in the the tub and Tal said something really funny. Bruce was jokingly posing in his fun way and asked if he looked chubby. Tal said: "No, but you are sporting a nice belly button goatee." It took us a minute to get it and then we laughed our heads off! That patch of hair is now referred to as the BBG. (Let me know if anyone needs an explanation :))
And we thought only the little ones said hilarious things...

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