Sunday, August 28, 2011

Where's the A/C?

How do people live here with no A/C and temperatures in the upper 90's with 40-50% humidity?!? We bought four new fans just so that we could attempt to sleep a bit better.  The kids are being creative in the backyard trying to keep cool while playing "Sally Spa".
Ashton loved the cold stone treatment while Boston enjoyed a frozen yogurt mask with cool cucumber eye treatment.

The culture and tradition is very rich here in Bayern and we are preparing, with the rest of the Germans, for Oktoberfest! These are the girls' "Dirndl" dresses...Lederhosen to follow...

One of Bruce's favorite companions from our mission came from Hamburg to visit us for the weekend: Rudi Jaeger. He is the coolest, funniest German we know! The mountains in the background are the border to Austria--we felt like we were going to hear "The Sound of Music" score at any given moment. We did enjoy the cowbells ringing from the mountainside.
(My video clip of the cowbells didn't upload-- I'll keep working on it; anyone know how to do that?)
Koenigsee in Berchtesgaden has been said by some to be the "Garden of Eden" in Europe. It was truly breathtaking! 

And the latest greatest about Ava Rose---she finally cut her first tooth on Sunday. We are all resting a bit easier with that behind us!

Found the Lederhosen photos :)

Another adventurous week behind us... grateful for the opportunities of growth, love and service!
  So happy to be here experiencing it together. 


  1. The kids all look well and so cute in their little German outfits! Way to go Ava - first tooth is a biggie:) What a beautiful place - love all the green and the mountains. Can't believe it is that hot over there! How do the locals stay cool? And why don't they have a/c? Say hi to the family:)

  2. Hey Gunther Family!!! It's fun to see where you are now and how everything is going. We sure miss you guys here. Keep putting up posts. We love to see the pictures and hear about all the German traditions.

  3. OK Yo, so I was a little impatient about the heat. It is only that hot two weeks out of the year, (that's why it's not really worth installing a/c) it just happened to be our first two weeks here! The locals go skinny dipping in all the lakes to beat the heat (see side bar) and keep all windows and doors open. We were attacked by mosquitoes our first few nights so we didn't want the windows open anymore.'s perfect now!

  4. Cute Pics! Its hot here too! The boys have been dyimg at their football practice! Looks like youll have a fun Oktoberfest. Good job blogging and keeping it updated! Its fun to see what you are up to. Love and miss ya

  5. So fun reading your posts! I'm glad you got there safely and seem to be enjoying the adventure. Don't you just love feeling right being where you are? I think that's great you know it. Your kids look like they are having a great time, too!!! Oh...this is so exciting and making me want to update some pics from Japan days now!! Keep smiling and say hi to your silly husband for us ;)

  6. I love these beautiful pictures! The kids look like they are enjoying this adventure! Love your best and worst list. That picture of Olivia and Ava is gorgeous!

  7. Amazing photos, amazing family. I miss you even more now. It sounds like you're settling in just fine. Instant friends and fun. Happy Bday to Tal, Jackson thinks he's a stud. A little jealous of your beautiful morning runs. Love you

  8. Hello Gunthers.... I just showed the pictures to the boys.... They thought the spa treatment was pretty sweet. We miss you guys a ton.. We hope you are having a blast

    Love, The Millers
